Emelda Mary Davis of Vanuatu / Australian South Sea Islanders on Papal Bulls Sicut Dudum 1435, Dum Diversas 1452, Romanus Pontifex 1455, Inter Caetera 1493, Pope's Apology to China & Pope's Apology to Oceania 2001 Syrian Arab Republic
Papal Bull Sicut Dudum 1435 Against the Enslaving of Black Natives from the Canary Islands Pope Eugene IV - 1435 Pope Eugene IV Against the Enslaving of Black Natives from the Canary Islands Eugene, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God, To our venerable brothers, peace and apostolic benediction, etcetera. 1. Not long ago, we learned from our brother Ferdinand, bishop at Rubicon and representative of the faithful who are residents of the Canary Islands, and from messengers sent by them to the Apostolic See, and from other trustworthy informers, the following facts: in the said islands—some called Lanzarote—and other nearby islands, the inhabitants, imitating the natural law alone, and not having known previously any sect of apostates or heretics, have a short time since been led into the Orthodox Catholic Faith with the aid of God’s mercy. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, it has happened that in some of the said islands, because of a lack of suitable governors and...
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