
Showing posts from January, 2021

"ALEXANDER MARCEL ANDRE SEBASTIAN BARKER BAILIFF" PhD Law (ANU) R v ALEXANDER MARCEL ANDRE SEBASTIAN BARKER BAILIFF UN WHO law "POPE'S APOLOGY TO CHINA", "POPE'S APOLOGY TO OCEANIA" & "UNDRIP" Chief Justice High Court "Sir Anthony Frank Mason" said "I do understand what the Pope's Apology to Oceania means, I am a High Court Judge." Read "THE ANU DEBATING SOCIETY" available AMAZON.COM.AU or Look Inside "THE ANU SCRABBLE SOCIETY" available AMAZON.COM.AU or Look Inside "Scrabble cufflinks", "Scrabble earrings", "Scrabble studs", "Scrabble tiepins" UNCLE WILFRID BARKER did SPORTS MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT bid to hold the 2000 Sydney Olympics & raised $2.6 billion in global media rights Alexander Bailiff will be beautified for action at "Dawn of New Millennium" to get Pope's Apology to China in 30 days & Pope's Apology to Oceania in 60 days & UNDRIP & making UN WHO INTERNATIONAL LAW R v BAILIFF [2011] Malka Leifer is Not guilty by reason of mental impairment R v BAILIFF [2011] Ring TONY HARGREAVES & PARTNERS LAWYERS Telephone 613 9605 3250 Ring Kath Cummins Adviser to Senator for New South Wales, Tony Sheldon Simon Brettell gets Community Service for $5000 72 fraud convictions of ACT Debating Union & Ginninderra Wind Orchestra 03 May 2000 Ask Fujitsu ACT Magistrates Court Restraining Order (1995/1422) Royal Military College of Australia - Duntroon ie "Michele Piercey Chemonics International" "Stated that he would 'come over' and 'teach (me) a lesson' ... that there was a 'gun pointed at (my) head'. And that he would kill me if he 'didn't get his way'." Aghast - Potipher's wife Genesis 39:7 "And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me." Saint Mary's Cathedral "Alex you are The Second Coming of The Messiah." read Holy Bible KJV in 14 days in Alexander Maconochie Centre while Bernard Collaery seduced Angela Magnocavallo. Ring Collaery Lawyers 612 6239 6033 Ring Blackett Homes 612 6241 6311 Bernard Collaery "Oil Under Troubled Water Australia's Timor Sea Intrique" Ask Glebe Society P.O. Box 100 Glebe 2037 about Bridge Rd pop-up cycleway $1000 compensation law 614 0215 3074 Glebe Society talk to Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck on ABC Radio Sydney. "The Australian" paid $10,000 1996 Australasian Interversity Debating Comp My IQ: >150 DOB: 1800 55 22 75 Tell: 612 6283 3533 Facts: 612 6281 3760 Sir Anthony Frank Mason said to Alexander "I appreciate you protecting me." All contributions are gratefully accepted BSB 325-185 ACC 0341 6001 Teleo Google "Right hand of God" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search God Inviting Christ to Sit on the Throne at His Right Hand (1645) by Pieter de Grebber The right hand of God (Dextera Domini "right hand of the Lord" in Latin) or God's right hand may refer to the Bible and common speech as a metaphor for the omnipotence of God and as a motif in art. In the Bible, to be at the right side "is to be identified as being in the special place of honor".[1] In Jesus' parable "The Sheep and the Goats", the sheep and goats are separated with the sheep on the right hand of God and the goats on the left hand. It is also a placement next to God in Heaven, in the traditional place of honor, mentioned in the New Testament as the place of Christ at Mark 16:19,[2] Luke 22:69,[3] Matthew 22:44[4] and 26:64, Acts 2:34 and 7:55, 1 Peter 3:22 and elsewhere. These uses reflect use of the phrase in the Old Testament, for example in Psalms 63:8 and 110:1.[5] The implications of this anthropomorphic phrasing have been discussed at length by theologians, including Saint Thomas Aquinas.[6] Holy Bible KJV India

     SHIRE OF TOODYAY -v- WALTON [2007] WASCA 76 (10 April 2007) Last Updated: 12 April 2007 JURISDICTION :  SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA TITLE OF COURT :  THE COURT OF APPEAL (WA) CITATION :    SHIRE OF TOODYAY -v- WALTON    [2007] WASCA 76 CORAM :  STEYTLER P PULLIN JA BUSS JA HEARD :  19 DECEMBER 2006 DELIVERED :  10 APRIL 2007 FILE NO/S :  CACV 145 of 2005 BETWEEN :  SHIRE OF TOODYAY Appellant AND LUCINDA WALTON Respondent ON APPEAL FROM: Jurisdiction :  DISTRICT COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Coram :  COMMISSIONER ARCHER Citation :  WALTON -v- SHIRE OF TOODYAY  [2005] WADC 209 File No :  CIV 1265 of 2002, CIV 1266 of 2002 Catchwords: Appeal - Torts - Negligence - Motor vehicle accident - Road curve with inadequate guide posts, misleading driveway marker and imperfect camber - Authority with statutory powers in relation to construction and maintenance of road - Duty of care to road users...